Zoho accounting (practical training)

Zoho is a cloud-based accounting software that provides small and medium-sized businesses with a range of financial management tools. The software is designed to help users manage their finances, track expenses, create invoices, and generate financial reports.
Overall, Zoho accounting software is a powerful tool for businesses looking to streamline their financial management processes. At GB Training & Placement Centre, we provide practical training of Zoho accounting and bookkeeping.
Course content
- Introduction to Zoho
- Setting up system
- Verifying email & navigating the system
- Adding nominal code
- Opening balance journal
- Trail balance
- Reverse the opening & prepayment
- Report
- Nominal ledger
- Customer (a/c receivable)
- Add new customer
- Report on customer
- Post customer invoice
- Customer credit note (sales return)
- Supplier
- Add new supplier
- Supplier invoice
- Supplier credit note
- Supplier report
- Enter supplier cheques
- Supplier payment report
- Sundry payment & sundry receipt
- Customer receipts
- Report
- Sundry payment
- Petty cash
- Post petty cash
- Post petty cash payment
- Report
- Prepare return
- Bank reconciliation
- Reconcile the bank
- Unreconcile transactions report
- Payroll/wages
- Mont end adjustment & reporting
- Adjusting accounts and month end report
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